Thursday, May 13, 2010


hyep peepss... It's the year 2010 right ??(yaww),
So how was your past 10 years?
Do you remember how you were 10 years go?
This world has been through so many changes for the past 10 years.The past 10 years has been such a journey for me. This time 10 years ago I just started secondary school.A start of a new chapter in my life, a new school, new friends and new experiences. I was officially a teen! So I was that usual teen growing up. Eager to do anything other then study,learnt many things the hard way and obviously rebellious.But those 10 years has thought me many lessons. It started out with much to expect and optimism. Things we're going on really great and life was looking very bright but it started to decline towards the end till now where I'm still picking up the pieces. Still so many questions left unaswered, new questions and old questions surfacing time and time again.Indeed those years gave me the best days of my life and the worst till date.I learnt how to love another person and what a great feeling was spend time and share your days and moments with the one you truly love with all your heart. I've also experienced pain and hurt like never before and saw myself crash and burn till
I wonder what's this life is all about. Saw that light at the end of this tunnel many times but just as I was about to reach it, things just crumbled down again. Sometimes I really wonder if I put too much expectations and trust in people that I hurt myself if things dosen't turn out as expected.This year didn't start out like how I expected it to be. There was so much of expectations and optimism as the end of last year approaches. But as the usual trend recently when things seem like it's getting better, it crumbles down again. Keep getting this sense of deja vu. As of now I don't really know how to look forward to this year. All I can do is put my trust in Allah Berdoa and Tawakal, at the same time really hope that Allah will answer my questions. So the start of a new decade. Where will I be 10 years later? How will things be 10 years later?
Only Allah knows, the author and finisher of my faith, THE beginning and THE end of my life chapter..
weeeeeeeee =) aku tak au apew aku merepek mlm neyh tetibe teringat masa skola dulu...lallala..(sesorry broken english lah =))wudeva lah nitezz ppl !!!

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