Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hey hey peeps!!...watched Scary Movie just now. Just wonder how can
people created such a movie out...haha. The best part was the girl
speaking Japanese to the ghost. 'suzuki,kawasaki,honda...'
sushi,sashimi!!!'(apakah) haha...
Anyway today was not very good. Woke up and was hit with the '3-hit-combo', namely fever,flu and sore-throat.Had a litte flu and throat was itchy last night but just biarlah coz
thought it was nothing and I was just tired, whole day my nose was leaking.
Used up 2 packets of tissue and there was no more left(ibu bebising tisu da abes lalalla =)), so keep on going to the toilet to blow my nose. nose gonna fall off soon...hehe.
urghhh final coming...was kinda suffering there anyway
final semester pressure is mounting really fast.*sigh*
Okiez...nitez ppl!

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