Saturday, May 1, 2010

all you can do during the hols

Celebrating Mai Mai's birthday on the 30th April 2010 @ HOB
The buffet is not bad, giving that I enjoy the sashimi very much.
They serve Baskin Robin's too!

The girls from front: Me, Chiew, Mai, Hui San
The guys from front: Ho, LKC, Yuan Fat
(I think HuiSan was trying to spell "buffet")

Located just opposite Federal Hotel's back entrance.

Took this on our way to Pavilion. There's another one. A gold man.
But he went to the restroom I think.
You can see these glittery people all over Bukit Bintang at night.

Watched IP MAN 2 at Leisure Mall as we couldn't get the tickets from Pavilion.
Movie till 2am.
Bloody hell sleepy so I wasn't enjoying that movie that much.
But the movie ain't bad. Worth watching.
Still, I prefer the first film.
Overall rating: 8/10

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