Sunday, May 9, 2010

sayer sayang kamoo Pn Rusnani Hamzah..

sitting on the bench thinking out by myself...
how's life exactly goes..
your shadow cross my mind every time i flip my eyes...
remembering the greatest love you've ever give me...
it was beautiful...
You taught me everything..
but ibu, i was blinded by my fun world by the time...
I'm the one who always make u mad.
I'm the one who always make u worried..
I'm stubborn..
you're the one who said yes when it has to be no...
you're the one who offer your arms when i'm about to cry...
you're the one who let me fly bravely when i'm taking a risk...
the cuddles on our coach, the kisses as i'm leaving, and the pranks when i'm with u are still fresh in my mind...
You were there for me to love and care for me..
You were always there to comfort me..
it was you that makes me believe there is light in every caves...
There isn't anything Or anyone I can be..
And it just wouldn't feel right..
If I didn't have you by my side..
it's a confession that i still need you in my life forever n ever...
ibu oneday i would make u proud of me..not only that day but forever...
ibu, I just want you to know..
Lovin you is like food to my soul..
You'll always be..
You will always be the girl in my life..
thanks for everything ibu..
ibu..i love you damn much..

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