Thursday, May 27, 2010

26282010 genting trip

Have been wanting to blog about last month's Genting trip for weeks and I finally have the patience to upload the pics.
This was my first ever 3D2N trip with college mates.
It was for girls only because we have to share a tiny room (really small for 10 people!) at the First World Hotel. The babes: Jae, Miraii, JoEe, LiHsia, Evian, Pui Yung, LiChen, JiaYing, Maggie and I. Omiigosh,this was also my first time staying at the FW Hotel!!! I normally stay at Ria or Awana if I go Genting so you can stop gasping now.
On the first day, we met up at KL Central for the bus. However, Jae didn't buy the bus tickets earlier, so we missed the bus. After discussing for like 10 min, we decided to catch two cabs straight to the hotel. As you know, cab fee ain't cheap. =x
Lazy to describe the trip, so...
Some sleeping some playing cards while waiting for our check-in.

Evian's skeleton key.

Jae & Miraii bought one of these on our way back to the hotel. Very cute right?
Mine =P
Korean candies!!!

Second day-A day at the theme park,
too bad the weather was inconsistent.

Fun ride *inside joke.
Side A versus Side B - see which side is the loudest.
Don't know which side started screaming first. Haha, I know it's lame. But it was really fun!

What were they looking at? Aeroplane?
We went to the arcade on our final night. Won about 2000+ tokens!!!!
So we split the tokens up and got ourselves Genting's colourful sticky notes each.
The gifts are very handy for students like us. Heh.

The organizers. Thanks for the effort! :)

Credits to Miraii and her Nikon.
More pics on Facebook.
Had so much fun that 3 days although it was a short.
Arrived in KL about 2pm by taxi again on the 28th of April.

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