Saturday, April 24, 2010

i drive myself crazy duh..

hype guys..
kinda busy LOL..
busy with assignment, activities, problems(ek??) *sigh..hehe..and so on..
i drive myself crazy..
but still i’m enjoying my life as
a person
a student
a sister
a daughter
whatever la as long as a human being..hehe..
need my friends around so much..
gonna face exams on 17 may..
wish me luck on studies..
gotta increase my pointer..
ignore all problems and people that mess up with my life..
be happy & strong k NURUL FAIRUS..
your journey still far away..

opppssss i must finish n submit all of my work diz week...

check it out "senarai komet halley" yawwwwww...

meja study yg sesepah..yawwwwww -_-"

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