Saturday, January 22, 2011

Review: 127 Hours

A true story based on the biggest fool that I've ever known so far. Oh come on, who would ever go for hiking without telling a soul? Wait, Aron Ralston (James Franco) did that! He went off climbing mountains in Blue John Canyon alone for a weekend in year 2003 without informing his family and friends.

Aron get his right forearm trapped in the canyon when a boulder suddenly fell loose. He struggled to get free but sadly failed. With his food and water running low during the gruesome days, he thought of ways to escape. While being stuck and nothing to do at all, he recalls the two hot chicks he met during the hike, his love, and his family that he ignored. He regretted that he didn't pick up his mother's call before he left for hiking.

I guess that everyone heard this story before. 127 Hours is an adaption of Aron's autobiography, "Between a Rock and a Hard Place". Now that we know Aron being trapped in the deep canyon and all, everyone is dreading for the moment where he was forced to cut off his arm with a dull knife. I forwarded that part because it totally freaked me out. Not that I've never seen bloody scenes before, but hey, this guy has no choice but to chop his arm off!

Now I know why 127 Hours won many awards. Some might find it boring because it's a one-man film. However, I find it interesting and I felt like I was there with him, only that I was watching his moves. James Franco did an outstanding job entertaining himself in the movie and gave us some hilarious moments. With all those editing, soundtrack and all, 127 Hours turned out beautifully. Round an applause to Danny Boyle, the man who brought us Slumdog Millionaire.

Overall rating: A

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