Wednesday, January 19, 2011

freshman camp 2011


I'm glad that I participated in this 3D2N camp at Dusun Eco Resort, Bentong last weekend. Thanks to UCSI Student Council, the campers had an amazing experience. It was also my first time attending a camp with full of spirit.

On the first day, my group was like soul-less and not chatting with each other, but we started to bond with each other when we brainstormed for our group name and cheer. We ended up with BANAZI, which is actually a combination of banana and Nazis. Our group cheer was pretty silly but in a funny way. I like other groups' cheer too for example, NONSENSE (how can they even think of such group name???) and VICTORY. Fyi, there were 9 groups in total.

Although the Eco Park Race 1 and 2 are quite tiring on the second day, we had so much fun completing the challenges. My personal favorite were rafting and the obstacles. There were no rock climbing and flying fox for us though, pretty disappointed because I was looking forward to it. Rock climbing rocks people!
Pictures time:

The banner with all the campers' hand prints on it.

Banazi's flag!

The bananas...
Go banazi!

Oh wait, it's sinking....NOT!

Hail banazi!!!

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