Saturday, January 29, 2011

Leeteuk And Heechul (Super Junior) terlibat dengan kemalagan dekat Singapore

hyeeep peeps happy sunday even hujan taknak berenti dari semalam i tot after diz if the rain still pouring memang rembau nie banjir lah an baru r ase duk umah dalam air an,,hahaha,,

ea sape peminat Super Junior cepat angkat kaki tinggi2 norule nak kira nie,,1 2 3 uhh ramainye hehe,,sapelah yg tak kenal mereka an lagu mereka hot kot sume best2 uhh,,now on norule like their song with the title Banomana,,what a superb song,,okay for ur all punya information baru-baru nie Heechul dan Leeteuk mengalamai kemalangan kecil semasa concert Super Show 3 kat singapore,,

Leeteuk posted on his twitter "it's good if you want to follow our car, but be careful when you come.A 7 cars accident, front and back, i almost died"
okay even korg fanaik sangat2 dengan SuperJunior mcm norule tp be cool r takkan sampai nak buat nyawa melayang kot,,let's say mereka cedera teruk sape nak nyaniyi t oiiii aku minat mereka kot,,huhu,, for more information korg leyh klik link nie..

on the way to their concert Super Show 3 in Singapore, Super Junior members Leeteuk and Heechul were in a minor car accident! Anxious fans gathered at the airport in sigapore to greet Super Junior on the arrival flight from Tokyo where they had recently performed as SM Town Live. As super Junior piled in vans to make their way to Super Show 3, fans rushed into taxis to follow close behind, A little too close, actually! A few short stops and - A seven car accident. An SM Entertainment representive said, "I think the fans were really excited since it was the first time Super Junior's show was held in Singapore. Thankfully, the members have no injury that they had no problem going on the stage. only the van was damaged." He Then added, " but since the after effect of an accident is scary, when they arrive in Korea on 31st we are going to tell them to get an examination." Later on Leeteuk and Heechul talked about the accident on their twitters. Leeteuk posted on his twitter "it's good if you want to follow our car, but be careful when you come.A 7 cars accident, front and back, i almost died,"followed by Heechul who said, " Hey hey, if you want to see us, to the concert venue, go go. Everyone is in danger. I don't want the past tp pass before my eyes ever again~."
s e h i n g g a b e r j u m p a l a g i

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