Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Facebook Tak Jadi Tutup Hoyeaaahhhh

gambar ehsan dr incik google weee;p Facebook Help you connect and share with the people in your life,,yeahh without facebook mesti lost contact an,,tp sebab facebook juga adew yg cerai berai an,hehe

Hello Peep samat Samat malam jumaat,,hehe,,kenapa ko excited giler nie pompuan97ehh norule nak gtau Facebook tak jadi ditutup hoyeeeaaahhhh gembira sekali asenye da nak lompat tinggi2 nie,,wargh norule takpat hidup tanpa facebook almaklum r norule da tak aktif sgt myspace nie,,hehe,,ingat lagi tak entry norule yg pasal Facebook akan ditutup tu 97 apa tak ingat ishhh namo kawan welk2,,hehe okay2 lau tak ingat meh g klink link ini,,9 januari 2011 kiter digemparkan dengan penutupan Famous social Networking Facebook yg diwarkan oleh sebuah laman web sesawang ini,,haha rupanya berita tu just fake ajew just a joke kalo korg tak caya leyh pegi link nie tok more information okay,, 

A blatantly untrue rumour has swept the net since yesterday: Facebook will close in March of this year.
The “story” is believed to have originated at the US website the Weekly World News, according to the Daily Mail.
The Weekly World News joke article states that Zuckerberg is all ready to close the social networking site because managing it has become too stressful.
They quoted Zuckerberg as saying: “Facebook has gotten out of control, and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”
Zuckerberg continued: “I personally don’t think it’s a big deal. And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”
Other articles from the Weekly World News include: “Pig Head Predicts Future”, “Yeti Spotted in New Jersey”, and of course “Alien Spaceships to Attack Earth in 2011.”
The Facebook report has still gathered considerable steam though, with many social networking addicts claiming their life is set to fall apart this spring when Zuckerberg pulls the plug. Ho hum.
nak tau tak effect penutupan facebook nie besar giler tau,,sampai ada user yg close account facebook mereka sebab takut maklumat gambar mereka sume disalahgunakan,,ehhh kalo facebook buka ker tutup ker gambar korg tetap adew kat laman web sesawang,,sekali korg post mende tu akan disimpan selamanya,,so kalo korg nak upload gambar bebukan beware okay,,nak tau tak adew antara kawan-kawan norule da aktif balik myspace agaga,,lagi un watpe nak upload gambar yg akan malukan diri sendiri an memalukan okay,,alah kalo Mark Zuckerberg nak tutup facebook un norule yakin akan adew company lain yg beli,,Social Networking Paling famous Sape yg taknak belikan,,heheh

s e h i n g g a b e r j u m p a l a g i

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