Saturday, October 2, 2010

mid-autumn festival celebration X2

You will not believe what I did today - I spent 9 hours doing Calculus!!!
It's true!!! And I enjoy solving the questions. It's one of the hardest subjects in my foundation year, but thank God for guiding me. I hope I'll do well in my first test this coming Friday. =)




moving on





22nd Sept - Rubin invited me to light up a few candles and lanterns at her place, organized by her and the housemates. The party started late since it was raining until late evening. However, it turned out well after that. We managed to walk along the street with our lanterns and walked up to a field which was full of frogs. A Korean girl caught one and took a picture with it.=x

There were many "kong min deng" aka wishing lanterns at the housing area that night, and I thought it's illegal here to use it? We also celebrated Kai Ling's 19th birthday. She was bashed up pretty badly by her housemates. Hahah. Most of us were pretty drunk by the end, not me anyway since I'm not a drinker. Revy and I left before we get to release our "kong min deng" because we had early classes the next morning.

25th Sept - Tanglung Celebration at my place, organized by cg.

Let the pictures do the talking...

No lanterns that night, so we played with candles instead. Anyway, we bought too many boxes of candles. Left 10+ boxes for year 2011!

Where the talking and eating took place.
You snap, I snap.
Some of us were busy playing Superheroes. Similar to the Mafia game,it's just that Superheroes has more complicated characters.
Superheroes part 2.
We were too noisy at the playground, so we went back to the house.

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