Thursday, October 21, 2010

hachiko - a faithful dog

A must-watch.

Hachiko: A Dog's Story (2009)
Adapted from Japanese blockbuster, Hachiko Monogatari (1987)

This is a heart-warming true story of a Japanese Akita, Hachiko gained fame from his long awaits of nine years for his master, Parker Wilson (Richard Gere) at a train station even though Professor Wilson passed away unexpectedly. The connection between Hachiko and Parker is undefinable and unbreakable. The thread is so strong that no man is able to break it, until Hachi died while still waiting patiently for Wilson. The story is short, but director Lasse Hallstrom elaborated it to emphasize the loyalty of Hachiko. It is so sad that I teared up while watching this film. It also makes me appreciate my buddy, Christmas even more. I don't know why it took a year for Malaysia to screen this movie, I mean, this is one of the most amazing story ever! Therefore, you have to add it in your list. Remember to bring along a packet (maybe two) of tissue and don't bother to apply any make up (especially mascara) when you watch this in the theater.
Overall rating: A+
Legendary Hachiko has became an annual event for his remembrance on 8th of April at the original location, Shibuya Train Station, Tokyo.
The sculpture of Hachiko at Shibuya Train Station

I left out the rating for The Diving Bell and The Butterfly post.
Without a doubt, A+ for TDBTB.

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