Thursday, July 29, 2010

get lifted


Get Lifted - a musical production, organized by UCSI CF. The story was simple. But the message was conveyed clearly to the audience, whom I believed most of them attended in order to get ECA points. Also, it would be much better if there's no sound system error and have some funny scenes. The cast were alright. I know they did their best tonight.

The event tonight made me anticipating for CHCKL's next musical production!!! I'm always looking forward for their production. I still remember, few years back, I went for the Christmas production - Christmas at Chang's. We were only 5 minutes late, but we were forced to sit outside the hall, and only able to watch through LCD projector (like at the mamak stalls where you watch World Cup) because it was fully packed inside!! This year's Easter's Day production too ... flooded with around 3300 people. Crazingly crowded right? Sadly, Sharon told me that we have to wait till next year for the next production...where everyone can fit in the new hall. =)

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