Tuesday, July 27, 2010

crazy dog attacks,again

The latest vic: my mom
Crime scene: the playground opposite my house
Time: around 7/8 in the evening

This is the third time the neighbour's dog attack our family. Some of our neighbours are afraid of the dog too. This is one dangerous dog you ever seen in a neighbourhood. Not to mention that the owner, who apparently same age as me, is responsible for all three attacks. My dad couldn't stand it anymore. Thus, he went to lecture the guy and complained to the mother. I can't believe my dad shot him with "YOU'RE SO LAZY!!! blah blah blah..." in that guy's face. I can't imagine any adult talk to me like that and say that I'm a lazy bump or similar to it. I'll totally freak out and be emo for several days. I wonder what the guy feels now. To add salt to it. Anna (eldest sis) actually thinks he's a retarded. I agree. If he's not, a retarded, how could he let this happen again to my mother?!? After the lecture, my dad brought my mom to the clinic for the injection. Went to the police station at Tmn Segar to file a report. Don't know what's going to happen next because the police in charge said that we need to go to the court if we sue the neighbour. Shyt. This is becoming more serious. Stay tune for the drama.

See? Christmas looks so tiny and cute.

Now, look at this:

The original giant schnauzer.

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