Saturday, July 31, 2010

missing the old times, old people

The moment I logged into my account, I clicked on Steph's link. I was worried about her. I couldn't believe that she got into a car accident when she called me this morning. It was a shocking news. It happened when she was on her way to pick me up. Fortunately, no one's injured. I know the feeling. I was involved in one myself a few months ago, about two months after the new car arrived. It was really foolish actually. I banged the passenger's door against the wall while parking, dumb right? My family scolded me for being so clumsy. To be frank, I'm more afraid of my two older sisters then my parents. Some of my friends who met them might know the reason behind it. Heh. My dad has no intention of getting the door repaired, yet. He wants to wait till I get my L license, which is around May next year. But I secretly think that he did that in order to remind me that I've to be careful while driving.
Okay, back to the main topic - reunion with the primary schoolmates today @ MidValley. I feel very lucky that I've a bunch of SJKC friends that I still keep in touch with because most of my friends lost contact with theirs once they graduated.
Ruyee and Yen Shern (who I haven't seen him for ages) are back from UK for the summer holidays, hence the reunion was organized specially for them. We skipped Despicable Me (a cartoon movie...=.=) because I couldn't make it on time. Bumped into Janice on the LRT. Because that today's a weekend, the KTM was damn packed! We were actually sandwiched on the KTM. Luckily, we were surrounded by females. But my face was totally covered with some Indian girl's big bushy hair. Okay, I was joking. It's not that serious, but I get to taste her hair. Eewww. What an awful experience. I couldn't believe how some of my college friends who have to travel everyday via KTM to college can survive??? Somehow, Janice and I managed to get off the KTM, unbroken and alive.
Met up with the people once we reached. For lunch, we went to a Chinese restaurant. I don't remember the name but it's quite famous in MV. Next stop - Sweet Chat. It's not that they serve the best desserts, but Sweet Chat just popped up every time when we have our gatherings. It's like, you know, a "our place" thing? After filling our stomach, we took some pictures. This is a must for gatherings. It's nice to get together with the people. The best part was when Sze Lynn spilled her beans before we left. One of the biggest gossips ever between us!!! Sorry, but I'm not allowed to share it here (Steph & Kar Fun: we will fill you guys when we meet up).

Janice and I carpool-ed with Khai Howe since he's going to Leisure Mall after that. But first, we dropped by at his place as he had to get his iPad. Bloody hell!!! An iPad!!! My dad doesn't want to get a new laptop for me let alone an iPad. KH got his when he was in Canada. Was it just last month? Oh oh oh. The best part was his house, no, mansion. OMG... it's the best and largest I ever been to so far. Jan and I were like "jakuns". We were actually whoa and wooooh all the way from the amazingly beautiful living room, the big fish pond, the carpeted elevator (crazy right? to have one in a house!), two huts in the compound, the white grand piano, and a comfy karaoke room!!!! Oh, we so going to have a party at his place this year!

Pictures of the day:

Poor Seng Joe sprained his ankle four weeks ago.

I love the Louis Vuitton background.

The lion cub is super kawaii!!!

Steph & Kar Fun:
We might have another one before they fly on early Sept.
See you guys then.

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