Thursday, November 25, 2010

movie week

The "cool" thing is what everyone are into it now - facebook. It is the hottest social network that was created by genius Mark Zuckerberg years ago and that now he is the youngest billionaire on earth. The Social Network was released in October 2010 (2nd December 2010 in Malaysia). This film is based on the founding of facebook by CEO Zuckerberg and other conflicts he encountered when his website was created.

The Social Network is not bad actually, just that it's best to watch when you are not tired because there are a lot of loooong conversations going on and it's difficult to understand if your mind isn't clear enough. Thanks to Groupsmore and Sharon for giving me an opportunity to watch the first batch special screening last Thursday (18 November 2010), yeaaahhhh!!!! I was grinning ear to ear when I received sms from KC and Sharon because hey, how often do you get premiere movie tickets for FREE??? I hope I can get another invitation soon.

*ngek ngek ngek
The Social Network is a must-watch for all facebook users.
Watched Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 the next night (19 November 2010). Pretty lucky to get the tickets on the first few days of its screening. :) HP7P1 is quite disappointing actually for I expect more from it. Not much difference from the book and the part where Harry and Hermione in the woods was very drapppyy , it's like nothing much going on there. In short, that part was blardy boring. I noticed that Harry Potter (I'm referring to the movie, not the character) is bolder, darker and gloomier. Is this a good thing? Anyway, I can't wait for the HP7P2 next July!!
But before that, I want to watch Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader:

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