Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Akshay Bonus to Tees Maar Khan Crew

Akshay Kumar turned distributed bonus to the crew of Farah Khan’s upcoming pot-boiler ‘Tees Maar Khan’. Sources confirmed that Akshay got so ecstatic with the way the has movie shaped up that he couldn’t stop himself from giving bonus of around Rs 30 lakhs to the members of the movie crew.

A said, “This isn`t something new that Akshay has done though. In each of his productions even earlier on, Akshay has always distributed a bonus in the tune of 10-20-30 lakhs to the workers.” The source further added that Akshay feels a lot about workers like spot boys, light boys, cooks etc. who otherwise get ignored. The prominent crew members earn hefty sum, but lesser known workers who put in their hard labour are missed out. This is where Akshay steps in to cheer them up! Especially with the case of ‘Tees Maar Khan’, the bonus first`s major schedule was wrapped in 30 days flat. Director Farah Khan speaking to a daily said, “Akshay was so happy with the speedy progress that the film was making that he didn`t hesitate spending Rs 30 lakhs from his own pocket. We all had a target to meet as we had announced Christmas as the release date for the film`s arrival. The entire crew knew about that and was quite motivated about delivering the right results.” She further added, “When everyone brought to the floors what was promised, Akshay didn`t hesitate a single moment to reach out to the crew - mainly the ones who work on per-day basis - and hand over the money to them", she continues, "The workers were of course touched by the gesture.” Well, that’s one gesture we believe makes Akshay Kumar most lovable among his fans more than even his films.

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