Monday, November 29, 2010

Pussycat Dolls Hush Hush

"Hush Hush" is a song performed by the Pussycat Dolls, included on the first edition of their second studio album Doll Domination (2008). Written by Andreas Romdhane, Josef Larossi, Ina Wroldsen and lead singer-songwriter Nicole Scherzinger, the song was originally a slow ballad, but was remade into an uptempo, disco-inspired dance song sampling parts of Gloria Gaynor's 1978 hit "I Will Survive", and retitled "Hush Hush; Hush Hush".

Hush Hush Song

Pussycat dolls Gellery . . . .

Pussycat Dolls in Black Costume
Pussycat Dolls White Costume
Hush Hush Featuring Nicole Scherzinger
Pussycat Dolls Fashion
Pussycat Dolls Sexy Pose

Deepika, Abhishek Promote Upcoming Movie

Kolkata had a date with the Indian stars Deepika Padukone, Abhishek Bachchan and director Ashutosh Gowariker as they visited the city to promote their upcoming film 'Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey'.

The movie is a period movie based on the struggle of revolutionary Masterda Surjya Sen and 1930 Chittagong uprising against the British rule in India.

Abhishek Bachchan is playing the role of Surjya Sen in the film.

"I do film on the theme and story that come to me, while doing this movie my love towards history has increased, Malini Chatterjee's book has all the details. I decided to concentrate completely on Malini Chatterjee's book for Surjya Sen's reference," director Ashutosh Gowariker said about the film.

"I hardly knew much about Masterda, sadly, as Ashutosh told about the film, its story, I felt then would like doing it. I thought if I am not aware about, many people are not aware about him, this film gave me an opportunity to showcase him," Abhishek said.

Deepika who will be seen portraying the character of 'Kalpana Datta' in the film said: "I believe that saree is a sensual outfit that a women can wear, I feel that Kalpana's character was glamorous and gorgeous, for me the process as an actor is same, it has been a huge responsibility for me to portray such a character," when asked about her saree clad avatar, completely opposite to the roles she has been showcasing so far in her career.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Salman Khan's too old for Suraj

There may be 20 leading actresses of bollywood industry who are dying to work with Salman Khan, there is someone who thinks Salman is a bit old.

This is Suraj Barjatya who had given some superhits with Salman in main roles.

Suraj was asked whether he is writing script for Salman or not, his reply was simple,” There has to be a script which both of us like.”

Suraj further adds, “It's not necessary that we have to work together for the sake of it. However hard I try, I can't make Salman look 21 years old. It's a fact.”

It could be difficult to make Salu look like 21 years old but he is getting better with his age. He has worked with newest girl in B-town, Sonakshi Sinha in Dabangg. Ask the lovely ladies if you wish, Sooraj.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Break Ke Baad Review

Director: Danish Aslam
Producer: Kunal Kohli
Starring: Imran Khan,Deepika Padukone,Shahana Goswami,Yudishtir Urs,Navin Nischol, Lillete Dubey
Lyrics: Prasoon Joshi
Music: Vishal-Shekhar
Genre: Romantic
Movie Released on: 26 November 2010

Break Ke Baad Review
Aaliya is a crazy girl who seems to be hell bent on messing up a good thing, for no reason at all. She has the best boyfriend -- the ever-understanding, sensitive and so very dependable Gulati. Yet, you can understand why she wants to fly off into unknown territory, chasing unnecessary dreams, yearning for useless adventure and talking on an on about spurious spaces. As for Gulati, he's typical too with his laid back acceptance of what life has to offer, even if it means slogging as a glorified clerk in his dad's office while all he wants to do is cook and serve. There's something so endearing about his desire to be the `manjha' (string) to Aaliya's soaring kite stance. And the fact that Imran pitches his performance at a very very downplayed level makes Gulati's non-demanding, dependable guy act even more effective. As for Deepika, well her Aaliya is relatively effortless too, despite the fact that it's a mercurial, illogical, irrational ekdum flighty character. Her climactic act seems to be the best performance in her entire career: completely spontaneous, crazy and nice.

The movie does have a terribly sluggish middle and there are places where the drama seems to be heading nowhere, but the witty banter between the protagonists does fill in the lacunae to some measure. The dialogues are smart and the conversation funny, specially when Deepika insists on calling herself Shah Rukh khan and oscillates between Gulati, Julati and Gelatto when it comes to referring to her boyfriend. And if that's not enough, he even becomes Sunita in certain sequences. Lillette Dubey as the adventurous aunt also adds to the sparkle with her homespun asides on love and marriage.

Break Ke Baad movie is the other flavour of romance.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tak Jangka Itu Yang Berlaku

waaa adew ase nak kuar an air mata terharu tak tengok tajuk entry ditambah perisa dengan gambar diatas,,adew nangis2 melolong2 acamnie tak,,cepat2 sila wat pengakuan sayer nmpk mata anda sedang berair,,hehe,,waaa tajuk entry tade kene mengena dengan kesah2 chinta chintun nie ea,,wa tak layan uh tangkap leleh nie,,wa hati span uhh yg kenyal2 tuh,,hehe,,entry nie i nak citer pasal Result Final citer nie tengah hangat diperkatakan di ruang2 legar mukabuku setiap masa setiap saat cerita nie tak luput ditelan mukabuku,,i nk ckp result final i penoh dengan kekecewaan yg sgt dalam seperti dihunus sembilu 2010 uh,,,Biler keputusan mendukacitakan ini yg terjadi,,hati naluri ini ase dicucuk dirobek2 dicincang uhh,,ase lau bole nk jep stop an masa dan undo ke masa lampau uhh,,nie r result yg paling terok dlm hidop aku kat psis nie,,ibu abah angah da usaha wat yg terbek selama 3 taun kat poli,,tp untok last sem angah tak pat nk bg kegembiraan kat mak ngn abah dengan result yg boleh dikatakan sampah uh,,even HPNM atau lebih dikenali sebagai CGPA tak jatuh tp pointer tok sem nei jatuh dengan terok uhh toksah ckp r bikin maluu sajew uhh ase nk jep padam muka nie bio kosong jep,,ase mcm jatuh dr bangunan 1000 tingkat teros hancur berkecai lumat musnah sume r,,even ibu ckp takpe HPNM an tak jatuh da okay r tu,,boleh bangga gak konvo nnt tp angah tau ati ibu mesti sedih an hanya mampu hadapi dengan senyuman,,hurm,,,nie r yang terjadi pabila manyak bermain dan tidak serious yer adek2,,so sila amek note(cepat2 amek pen aku nmpk korg tak take note siap korg grrr),,belajar rerajin jgn manyak main,,sila jgn ikot perangai akak nie ea,,peluang dtg sekali jep,,tadenye bole undo2 lau adew poket doremon okay gak r,,hehehe,,adew sesape tak kenal doremon sila ckp ngn beliau norule feruz nk pinjam poket sebentar..hehe
sila jgn tanya result aku manyak kali krn hanya mampu tersenyum uhh,,okay sila lihat gambar diatas (lihat hanya sekali jgn dua kali nnt mata juling tgok result tu,,da juling jgn sesebok dtg cari aku,,aku sepak korg lelaju kang) result jtuh dengan merundum an,,pointer sgt2 terok un,,memalukan kaum kerabat uhh,,,mesti korg tengah gelak2 guling2 gelak an result aku an ase result nie mcm sampah un cepat angguk kepala jgn nak tetipu tipu wa sepak lelaju kang,,hurm tu r yg aku ase,,siyesly aku tak penah dpt result seterok ini okay unexpeted tau,,tp tok last sem inilah yag terjadi,,ini kisah benar yer adik2 takde yang benar selain yang benar,,rase2 tuan belog nie bole sambung degree tak pengunjung belog sila bg pendapat korg (pendapat anda dipelukan untok merekabentuk hati yg sudah hancur ini sila take note),,hehehe

Tp apa2 pun feruz tetap ase bersyukur sebab da abes belajar selama 3 tahun nie ngn hpnm yg cool n yg paling penting dapat konvo nnt,,waaa da bole prepare beli baju konvo nie,,hehe,,for de last but not least tuan belog nak sakap congratulation kat kengkawan sume masih belom terlambat lg un,,waaa next year bulih jumpe uh,,pkai jubah konvo nek pentas sesame uhh tak sabar seyh n tgok muka sume nek pentas,,bangga seyh,,uitt da hilang sedih ker tuan belog,,,

siyesly tengah tade hati nak berbelog sekarang nie hati ini perlu ditenteramkan sebentar,,minta maap sume dengan segala kesulitan yg dihadapi ketika berbelog walking,, waahh tuan belong bajet belog ko femes jep an pompuan,,hehe,, sila like entry ini untok menunjokkan simpati korg kat aku,,waaa nak kata semangat tolong2,,

s e h i n g g a b e r j u m p a l a g i


Jom blog walking cara Norule Feruz,,Cekidot!!

waa lihat tajuk kengkawan nmpk tak tajuk kat atas hari nie adew tak ase nk kuar an muntah yg hijau2 uh ase cam nak jep ketuk tuan belog nie lelaju an ehhee okay2 sila abaikan ketidak maluaan tuan belog ini kerana beliau memang tidak mempunyai kemaluaan,,upss jgn nk pkir bebukan okay,,hari nie tuan belog nak cite cara belog berjalan ea cam pelik jep munyi abaikan err,,belog un adew kaki uhh,,dasyat an cettt wutever r nok asal u jgn lebih dr mak suda lah ea,,hehehe,,okay kini kutemui cara baru mcm mana nak wat blog walking nie,,selama 2 minggu sedehana jam banyak minit lg banyak saat nie lah keje tuan belog mengadap lappy dan berbelog walking,,lau r lappy nie leyh ckp mesti die nk ckp stop lah guna aku sekejap tuan lappy penat uhh wa bekerja nonstop tau org kerja pon sabtu ahad cuti wa juga tak pena nk cuti uhh apakah wa buat mogok kang wat aduan kat pengguna bru lu tau tuan lappy bape tinggi lappy dari lu,,,,heheh

Nak tau tak mcm mana tuan belog wat blog walking,,alah tau korg da tak sbr ann,,cover r ckit jgn r lompat2 sambil tepuk tangan cam monyet hehe (upss gegurau kasar plak adik2 kakak2 ibu2 ayah2 atok2 nenek2 jgn r touching sama wa,,wa tau r wa memang sengaja)ok stop it feruz,,pengujung belong sila Abaikan tuan belog yg mereng ini okay,,hehe,,okay2 nampak tak gambar dia atas apa hospital ea haa nie yg wa nk ckp page tu kira mcm ospital tok list an belog2 yg mmg ummpp uh belog2 tu kira patient mereka r,,nie lah cara wa berblog walking try kilik ini link jgn takut jgn susah wa jamin tade virus cecacing sume uh cepat r kilik lempang lelaju kang uhhh cumill korg hanya clik jep kat link tu,,kat c2 nnt korg akan jumpa list belog otai2 yg memang da otai r kira da tua2 dah bercucu bercicit mayak pengalaman uh,,bukan pengalaman berumah tangga atau pon di kamar okay nie pengalaman menjadi blogger,,jgn plak tetibe korg Tanya soklan tuan n puan hencik mcm mana cara nak tido sesupan mcm tuan belog ini,,,wa kompem silap haribulan die tunjuk cara uhhh tak dapat nk dgambar kan dengan tulisan kang adew plak yg band belog aku,,okay please backspace ayat itu ,,hehehe,,fyi belog2 yang adew kat sini sume menjadi kegemaraan kegilaan kelompat lompatan aku utuk membaca okay adew manyak tips gak untuk blogger baru mcm wa (upss wa da puji belog korg puji r belog wa juga),,hehe,,eee jap2 korg pasan tak sejak seribu menjak nie tuan belog slalu ckp macam minah rempit uhh,,ishh tuan belog dalam bahaya nie nak g perbetolkan diri korg enjoy r dgn belog2 tu uh,,spender r upss spend r time korg tok berbelog berjalan ea i nk g munasabah diri sekejap da bahaya nie,,hehe

showing is caring so sila amek perhatian sila like entry ini,,pesanan khidmat dr tuan belog hehe,,
korg asyik like jep tinggal an lah kata2 gak uh,.hehe

hurm tade ase nk berbelog hari nie tade ase nk bermukabuka berburung,,actually entry nie da wat pg td tp tak post agi,,result sgt menyedihkan an hati naluri ini ase mcm dicincang2 uhh,,tp ase sgt bersyukur sbb nya dapat konvo next year ngn member2 sume,,c u olz next year buddies,,nie lah akibatnya terlalu manyak bermain dan tidak serious ketika belajar ea adek2,,sila jgn ikot kakak ini yer adek2 nnt merana,,so fokus an study betol2 okay apalagi sila anguk kepala skg,,waaa pandai adek akak,,okay peeps tuan belong nak layan kesedihan dimlm hari ini dengan melelapkan mata dan hati ini uhhh,,n neway nk wish kat korg sume congratz dpt konvo sesame taun depan,,

s e h i n g g a b e r j u m p a l a g i


movie week

The "cool" thing is what everyone are into it now - facebook. It is the hottest social network that was created by genius Mark Zuckerberg years ago and that now he is the youngest billionaire on earth. The Social Network was released in October 2010 (2nd December 2010 in Malaysia). This film is based on the founding of facebook by CEO Zuckerberg and other conflicts he encountered when his website was created.

The Social Network is not bad actually, just that it's best to watch when you are not tired because there are a lot of loooong conversations going on and it's difficult to understand if your mind isn't clear enough. Thanks to Groupsmore and Sharon for giving me an opportunity to watch the first batch special screening last Thursday (18 November 2010), yeaaahhhh!!!! I was grinning ear to ear when I received sms from KC and Sharon because hey, how often do you get premiere movie tickets for FREE??? I hope I can get another invitation soon.

*ngek ngek ngek
The Social Network is a must-watch for all facebook users.
Watched Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 the next night (19 November 2010). Pretty lucky to get the tickets on the first few days of its screening. :) HP7P1 is quite disappointing actually for I expect more from it. Not much difference from the book and the part where Harry and Hermione in the woods was very drapppyy , it's like nothing much going on there. In short, that part was blardy boring. I noticed that Harry Potter (I'm referring to the movie, not the character) is bolder, darker and gloomier. Is this a good thing? Anyway, I can't wait for the HP7P2 next July!!
But before that, I want to watch Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader:

Shah Rukh Khan Wallpapers Photos

Collection of Bollywood King Shah Rukh Khan Pictures and Wallpapers.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Result adew Rasa Gempak Tak

Dada rasa gegetar,,hati rasa tak keruan,,setiap kali memikirkanya,,uhh apa nk jd dengan diri ini,,adakah tgh dilamun cinta,,jatuh cinta atau sedang bercinta,,waaaa gempak tak permulaan entry giler r feruz pandai berkata-kata uh http://www.emocutez.commalu seyh,,hahha sila terajang tuan belog ini lelaju,,ok2,,sume perasaan tu tade kene mengena langsung okay dengan cinta love dan sama waktu dengannya,,tuh perasaan nk mengambarkan betapa cuaknya hati nulari ini sehinga mencucuk kesanubari uhh hanya semata2 nk tunggu result keluar,,wa nk ckp wa mandi basah tido lena mkn kenyang minum kembung r sume,,mcm org berchenta chintun tak hoh,..

nampak tak yg circle warna merah uhh,,apa tak nmpk sila jolok mata anda sekarang hehe,,ishh ok2 sila tekan untuk tumbesaran ea,,kat dlm circle tuh r tarikh nk cek result c betol an wa ckp 26 huhuhu
Okay2 fine berenti merepek yer tuan belog,,ohh yeaa lebih kurang satu hari banyak jam banyak minit lagi banyak saat keputusan final nk kuar ohhh tidak tidak,,aku sure kengkawan sume tak kira betina jantan pompuan laki ank org cucu org bini org laki org pompuan simpanan uppss tade asenye mesti tgh gelabah cuak takot geram sume an nk tunggu result kuar,,sabar2 yer kengkawan 26 NOVEMBER akan dtg menjemput uhh (eleh mcm ko sabar plak an pompuan hehe)apa2 pun tuan belog nk ckp selamat Berjaya ea kengkawan kiter da wat yg terbaek mase final apa pown keputusan yg kiter dapat naik ker turun ker kene trima dgn hati yg lapang lapang mcm padang bola uh,,warghh borak berilmu uhh feruz,,ok2 da bole apply jd cikgu bm hehhe,,

sila picit picit gambar untok cek result nenek org,

,mesti da pena nampak mende nie an,,apa mende alah tuh,,tu r tempat nk tengok naik turun jatuh bangun student PSIS an anhttp://www.emocutez.comda lama berkhidmat da leyh dapat anugerah pekerja cemerlang nie,,hehe,,nmpk tak sila masukan no kad pengenalan,,hurm2 aiii aku tgh rajin nie bak lah no ic korg aku tlg cek an tengah2 takde keje nie aku sanggup nk cek an tak minta byr tau satu sen pon tau sok2 aku da keje tade mase da nk cek time tu uh lau korg rayu rayu acamnie minta aku cek an aku minta korg blanja pizza bru tau welk ,,,

apa2 pon nak ckp SELAMAT BERJAYA ea Kengkawan..okay r feruz nak bubum http://www.emocutez.comdulu ah bantal strawberry tu dr td suh tido,,da baca sila r like entry nie ea,,hehhe

s e h i n g g a b e r j u m p a l a g i