Sunday, August 15, 2010


It's durian season!!!
My dad brought back a huge box of durians on Saturday night.
Some were given by the church (two big Musang King included!!!) and some he bought himself.
I only eat durians when I'm in the mood.
If not, I'll definitely go against it because of the pungent smell.

Given some away to friends. But not the two precious Mao San Wong of course!

Durian aka The King of Fruit, is mainly found in Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. It is normally loved/hated because of its strong stinky smell. That is why durians are banned in some public places like the airports and hotels.
It's funny when I watched Fear Factor a few years back - the episode which the contestants were forced to drink durian shakes and they puked. My dad and I were laughing our ass off. Seriously, is durian that disgusting until it became one of the challenges in Fear Factor?
It is true that the flesh doesn't look appetizing, but once you try it, it is a totally different story.
There are many types of durians, such as D13, D24, D101, Red Prawn, Musang King/Raja Kunyit and others. Each of the durians has its own unique flavor and taste (slightly bitter, sweet, or both). The color of the flesh is also different - it's either white, yellow, orange, or "reddish". Durian is rich in carbohydrate, phosphorus, magnesium, and Vitamin C. But don't over eat it because durian is heaty.

Although durians can be served in many ways like durian cendol, durian ice-cream, or durian candies, I prefer those fresh ones directly from the spiky shell. It's also nice after it is refrigerated for 20-30 minutes. Just don't consume alcohols while eating durians because it is fatal. Some say this is just a myth. But why risk it? The taste of durian and liquor doesn't seems to match either. I've another tip on durians: drink a cup of milk after eating durians. Milk helps to reduce the durian taste on your buds.

My personal favourite is the Musang King, or also commonly known as Mao San Wong.
The flesh is golden yellow and it has a nice texture, with creamy feel.
Mao Sang Wong is considered the best of the best of all durians. Thus, it is the most pricey one.

Mao San Wong

Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures.

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