Monday, August 16, 2010


I was about to write this post when suddenly the whole housing area blackout at TM.
It's only about 2330 or something, then it happened for the second time at 0200.
So, I read Harvesting The Heart by Jodi Picoult fearing the sudden blackout might harm my PC again. Thank goodness the electricity came back after like 20 minutes. I surely wasn't fond of drowning with sweat while sleeping. Anyway, movies time:

The Lovely Bones

It ain't lovely at all. This crappy movie wasted my 2 hours +.
Luckily I didn't listen to Amanda's advice watching this at the cinema: "You won't regret one!" - a compete bull. From top to bottom, this movie is narrated by a 14 year-old girl, Susie Salmon from heaven. She was raped and murdered on her way home from school by a serial killer, who apparently also her neighbour. Susie couldn't move on until her lost body was found. Her family were devastated after Susie's sudden death, especially her father, Mr. Salmon who's trying his best to find the murderer. This combo of sad, slow, thriller, fantasy movie is adapted from Alice Sebold's best-seller that doesn't work out for me. The screenplay is soulless and it failed to attract the audience's attention (some more the duration is super long!). I don't understand why it received 6 nominations from the Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards last year. On the brighter note, this Peter Jackson film from Lord of The Rings Trilogy is rich in artistic imaginary.
Overall rating: 4/10

I was fooled by its trailer shown in Ebuzz weeks ago. This sci-fi movie is full of blood, violence, nudity, and vulgarities. In the movie's future, everybody could get artificial organs by credits. But once it past the due bills, the company sends out their best repo-men to repossess the "artiforgs". Remy (Jude Law) is an expert in this field. However, Remy's wife disapprove his job and wants him to be a salesman instead. In order to protect his family, Remy decided to quit his job. While on his last task, Remy injured himself. His heart was then replaced with a new artificial heart by the company in order to survive. Remy couldn't pay up his bills, thus he ran away with his former partner, Jake (Forest Whitaker) as Remy's tracker. Repo-men is unsuitable for those who couldn't stand those organs-ripping, slice-and-dice scenes. This movie is action-packed and fresh. No moral values in this one though. Not my choice of movie, but Jude Law is one hunk that makes people drooled over with. Overall rating: 5/10


Nothing but the Tooth.
This is a family comedy. Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock plays a tough hockey player, Derek Thompson who doesn't believe in toothfairy. He then sentenced to serve a week as an actual toothfairy for crushing many children's dreams. During the week, he learns to become a better man, for his fans as well as his girlfriend, Carly and her two children. One of my favourite actress, Julie Andrews plays the no-nonsense toothfairy godmother who's in charge of the fairyland and Derek's sentence. Some of the scenes are silly and uninspired. But still, it is able to earn a few laughs from the youngsters. Overall rating: 7/10

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