Friday, June 18, 2010

hanya kenangan

i'm so sorry...because I was not ready to fall in love at the moment..
not because I do not like you..I am really not ready..I am not one who easily falls in love...
This time I just want to focus on my study work and I have a lot of money (aku an bermata duitan hahahhaha)besides I was still young, still have a lot of time for me to think about love.
you are my best friends since we're in school,to fall in love with you for a second time it is impossible,I did not want to fall in love a second time with you...

sejak kita mula contact balik siyes aku hanya anggap ko kawan jep..ko kawan terbaek aku sejak dulu..kaulah org pertama yang cari gaduh nan aku 7days24hours ko ajew yg nak bertumbuk nan aku an..hahhaha (budush weee;p)..ko gak org pertama yg gaduh nan aku pasal planet yg pling cantek smpi cikgu pon pening....hahhahaha...ingat tak masa kene denda duduk kat luar sebab lambat masuk bab sengaja mkn lambat nak skit kan ati ustaz then kene rotan sakit sampai aku nangis kuat giler time tu ko gak pujuk aku an..hahhaha(sampi skrg aku benci ngn ustaz tu hahhaha)...aku tak auw biler kiter jd kawan baek an...hahha (ko ase biler ea)masa ko tolong aku siapkan kerja sekolah kot...hahhaha...aku syg ko sgt2 masa tuh penyelamat aku...weee;p..kalau ditambah tolak bahagi darab aku ase kiter da kwn lebih 10 tahun kan...agak2 r sejak umur 8 tahun g...hahhahah...manyak tu skunk da 21 OMG da tue r ko....hahhahhaa...dan da dekat 4 tahun kiter tak jumpe tetibe haritu ko call aku..OMG serious aku terkejot beruk time tuh...siyes sgt2 rindu nak borak gadoh gosip nan tu sume kenangan kan..

i'm doesn't want to get hurt being in love with u..and doesn't want u to get hurt being in love with me..i'm still searching for my soul-mate..(my soul-mate is people who bring out the best for me..he was not perfect but are always perfect for me)..i'm so sorry i think u're not my soul-mate..maybe be a friends was de best...I LOVE U as my best best best friends..LoVe ya..

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