Thursday, June 17, 2010


Super-late post.

Since I couldn't join them to Genting on the 29th of May, we planned to celebrate Elissa's 19th on the day before at Pavilion.

Our first stop - Pepper Lunch. We don't really enjoy eating at PL because it's self-service. We even planned to write bad comments about it.

Next stop - MOF. Not our first choice but SnowFlake was packed, so... Anyway, the Green Tea ice-cream was superb.

Movie of the day - Prince of Persia.

To be frank, I don't really like to watch "sandy" type of movie (eg. The Mummy, Indiana Jones). But this movie was an exception, minus Jake's ugly uncut hair. The ending surprised us all...not going to talk much about this movie since it's an "old" movie. I want to watch Killers (June), The Back-up Plan, Eclipse and Harry Potter:TFH (July)!!!

At the toilet. E's idea.=O

Group photo.
From right: Vincent, Jason, David, Elissa, Me , Revy
This was also Revy and David's second time to Pavilion.


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