Friday, June 18, 2010

a day with the girls

Went to Pavilion with Mai Mai & Hui San today to watch this:

Nanny McPhee - small c, big P
NMATBB wasn't as interesting as the first one.
I much prefer with the adorable Thomas Sangster in it. Bing him.
The return of NM gives you a few good laughs.
And the plot is quite predictable.
Nothing outstanding.
Overall rating: 5/10

For lunch, we went to DAN TAI FUNG on the 6th floor. Tried their famous Xiao Long Pao for the first time, not bad. And the service is good.

Hui San - known her since Form 1. To be specific, she was my first friend that I made in my Secondary school. :D

After movie, we tried these Japanese crepes.
I had the strawberry with vanilla ice-cream - oishiikatta yo.
But I like Hui San's blueberry's more. =O
These crepes are quite similar to pancakes, just that it is wrapped with fresh whipped cream, ice-cream/cake of your choice.
And it is very very sweetttt.
Mai Mai - known her since Form 2.
She's fun to hang around with.

I don't have to buy chocolates anymore for this year...
see how much daddy and mommy bought from Europe!!!
Yessss!!! They are back from the 10 days in Europe trip.
Miss them much!

PS. The Toblerone weighs 400g each and the flavors can't be found in KL, yet.
Ngek ngek ngek.
I'm so gonna be fat.

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