Thursday, March 17, 2011

LUL Charity


This was my first time participating in a charity event organized by UCSI Student Affairs with the partnership of Maxis. 13 teams visited 25 orphanages and old folks home around Klang Valley. It was a pretty huge project organized by Sharon.

For my team, there were 10 members of different countries and races. If not mistaken, I think there were only 3 Malaysians, 4 Iranians, and the remaining ones were from China. Nicole and Tsu Yin were our facilitators for that day. Our group went to an orphanage at Kepong, and an old folks home at Loke Yew road. Thank goodness for the short distance because our van's air conditioner wasn't working well that day. Phewww. And we were the earliest team to arrive UCSI after the visits! Woots!

At the old folks home. No medias were allowed so we only took a few pictures among ourselves. This was our first time as volunteers!

At the orphanage. We didn't do much there because we arrived late. We just played a few games and took lots of pictures with them. The younger children were totally adorable! They were so shy when we talked to them. =X

UCSI students who were involved in the "Light UP Lives" charity event.

Let's make a difference!

The experience was one-of-a-kind. It's hard to describe the feeling when you help others out. You gotta experience it yourself. I think the event was a major success as it also allows students to develop a culture of lifelong volunteering.

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