Thursday, February 24, 2011

Review: Burlesque

Show me how you Burlesque!
Starring both divas with strong vocals Christina Aguilera and Cher, Burlesque brings a concert-like feel rather than a film. It's about a small town girl, Ali (Aguilera) who left her home for Los Angeles to pursue her dream as a showgirl. She's pretty confident herself as a performer and is determined to get a job at Tess's (Cher) Burlesque. However, Tess somehow could not "see" Ali as a showgirl, thus rejected her flatly. Ali argues her way out to get on stage, and she gets a part when one of the showgirls is pregnant.

Nikki (Kristen Bell) does not see eye to eye on Ali the moment she first met her. She's totally a bad ass in Burlesque. This is the first time seeing Kristen Bell playing a role that is not on comedy or romance. Good girl gone bad huh?

Bartender Jack (Cam Gigandet) whom Ali met and helps her to find the way from "over here" to "over there". He's also kind enough to let Ali stay at his apartment even though he's engaged with his long-distance fiance, Natalie (Dianna Argon). I was surprised when Dianna Argon appears during the almost-ending part! Love her in Glee! Alright, back to the movie, Jack develops some feelings for Ali but he's too chicken to let her know, Ali thus turns to the regular customer of Burlesque, Marcus (Eric Dane). Marcus is a successful businessman who tries to get his hand on Burlesque.
Burlesque is how you define H.O.T. It's hundred and ten percent seductive and sexy. The story is a cliche though, not to mention the relationships between Jack and Ali, Tess and Ali, Nikki and Ali - very predictable. Both divas are singers, not actresses. So don't expect much from their acting values.
For the performances, from "Express", "Show Me How You Burlesque" to "Bound To You", you just can't get tired of Xtina's powerful vocals. But Cher only gets a couple of moments. I've been non-stop listening to her hit "You Haven't Seen The Last of Me" ever since.
Overall rating: A-

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