Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 - the year of rabbit

Today is the day where all the Chinese families sit at a round table having the annual reunion dinner before Chinese Rabbit Year. Unfortunately, I had two bloody classes this afternoon before going to my uncle's place. As expected, the campus was deserted and all the cafeterias were closed. The only souls you could see were the International students' and a few silly Chinese people like me, KY, and Chick Gi. Not that I'm being racist or smth, but normally not many Chinese would want to attend class during this period. For we were so "hardworking", we received a few "ang pows" (red packets) from the lecturer. And the "ang pows" here is referring to assignment and quiz. Wtf right?
Anyway, this is a super duper late post:

My first "yee sang" of the year with my course mates. We, as in 11 Chinese students of ASSA skipped BA tutorial to go for "lou sang" at Sakae Sushi last Tuesday evening. No, we normally don't do that, but this is a special random occasion so...
The "yee sang" was very delicious and the price is reasonable! RM38.88+ for 1 large "yee sang" in Japanese style. As you can see from the picture above, the portion is big enough for about 6-8 pax. Of course, it's not full eating that alone, so we ordered some side dishes and sushi to go along with.

Looking at this pictures make me hungry.
The six of us - Jennifer, Mai, Steven, Chucky, Keng Cheng, and I went to Sushi Zanmai at Fahrenheit on last last Saturday. I wasn't craving for some sushi so I ordered some chicken udon smth instead (center left). *Slurppps. It was yummehhhhh! I'm definitely ordering that dish again. Then, we left to do some shopping at Sg Wang before having our late tea-time at Pavilion. The parking is soooo expensive in Pavilion, like RM15 for only 4.5 hours?!?!

On Monday night (31st January 2011), the Mangoes (don't ask me why we called ourselves Mangoes) went for "lou sang" at Soon Tatt Restaurant. Seriously, the service is damn slow. We ordered the package - 8 dishes and a "yee sang" and still, not filling at all. :( But I enjoyed the steam fish very much! After the feast, we went to Wallace's place to celebrate MK and CWah's birthdays. No Wii this time because there were so many of us. We played some poker instead. :p

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