Wednesday, February 9, 2011

3-hit-combo was attack me !!

The duck says "Quack",
and the cow says "Moo",
the old red rooster says "Cock-a-doodle-doo",
the sheep says "Baa",
and the cats says "Meow",
but i always say good morning to you and you and you

Anyway today norule was not in good condition,. Woke up and was hit with the '3-hit-combo', namely fever,flu and sore-throat.Had a litte flu and throat was itchy last night but just biarlah coz thought it was nothing and I was just tired, whole day my nose was leaking my nose gonna fall off soon.i got a high fever last night and whole my body was lenguh since last night until now,,
okay peeps i'm gonna go,,i need some sleep,,daaa~~~
s e h i n g g a b e r j u m p a l a g i

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