Sunday, December 26, 2010

sleepless night

I was trying to sleep an hour ago, but couldn't because I was freaking hungry. So, I made myself a bowl of instant noodles.

I know that it is bad to eat after 9 p.m. but I was super hungry and I don't think a cup of warm milk before bed soothes me, I will end up peeing n times in the middle of the night instead. A packet of curry flavoured maggi, an egg, and a couple pieces of marinated beef will just do the trick.

But after having a late supper, I normally goes on for another two hours before my eyes go heavy. Since most of my friends have already halfway through their sweet dreams, I couldn't find them to chat.
So, I decided to blog about something I've totally forgot about for months - Lee Yeng & Lee Leng 's 20th birthday, which we celebrated on the 23rd October (the twins' birthday according to the Chinese calendar), a month earlier than their actual birthday.

Secondary schoolmates.

College mates.

The adorable twins :)

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