Saturday, September 18, 2010

money day

Everyone's eyes are glowing when they see the title eh?
This is a super duple late post that I delayed until now.


This is a treasure hunt comes amazing race that I attended on the 4th of September. The piratey hunt was organized by 3 cell groups from CHCKL.

X Marks The Spot took place in Metropolitan Park, Kepong. The park is bloody huge I tell you, it's like twice the Permaisuri Park at Cheras! This was the first time I participated an outdoor treasure hunt and it was really really really exhausting. There were 10 tasks to be completed in this hunt, the team who gets the treasure first win the prize, that is RM1000 in cash!!! Our team were the youngest among all, but it's not too bad since we were able to complete 9 tasks. Do you know how hard it was to get to this stage??? 10 times harder because it really test your stamina. The distance between two bases were like 4 km (or so) apart, which is exactly opposite the 57 hectares lake! Imagine walking/jogging towards the other end of the enormous lake for like 6/7 times! Not to mention we had to perform the tasks that the pirateys asked us to do when we reach the base.

And if you are wondering how long we spent at the's 10 hours!!! As a result, our legs were crying in pain and get sunburned for not being smart enough to bring umbrellas. But then the experience was fun! =D

Although we didn't get the prize, we walked away with RM100 in cash. Not bad larh since there weren't any consolation prizes at the first place...until the committee members decided to reward us after seeing us suffering under the hot sun. Sshhh! This supposed to be a secret! =X

Meet the team members of RAKYL

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