Thursday, September 2, 2010


"Are you free tonight?"

Jonathan McQuarry (Evan McGregor) is an accountant that has no social life. He works late frequently. He met an attorney, Wyatt Bose (Huge Jackman) one night. McQuarry and Bose become friends quickly. But Jonathan's life screwed up when their mobile phones are accidentally switched. McQuarry soon discovers "The List", which is a sex club that people meet up each out late at night in hotels. McQuarry falls for one of the club members, who is only known as "S" (Michelle Williams). Later on, S went missing at a motel in Chinatown. Jonathan then tries to contact Wyatt but failed. It turns out that Wyatt uses an alias. Jonathan is surprised to find Wyatt at his apartment. In exchange of "S", Wyatt orders him to steal $20 million from the corporation that McQuarry is going to audit in a couple of days. For "S"'s safety, Jonathan has no choice but to do so. But after the transfer, Wyatt broke his promise and tried to kill McQuarry. Deception gives us the excitement from the beginning (well, not really the beginning…it’s a bit boring actually) until the end. Evan and Hugh did a great job pulling off their roles.. Overall rating: 8/10

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