This is us, chilling at Sunway Pyramid after our final paper. Gotta admit, 7-weeks semester is really hectic and adding salt to the wound, our Mathematics 2 lecturer was very shitty and a pain in the ass. Anyhoooo, it's over now, life goes on.
Since we couldn't get any movie tickets after lunch, we did some archery.

This guy here with the bag is a pro, he shoots in the range of 7 to 10 only! Very accurate and consistent. I bet he comes here almost every week. Lol.
Next up - bowling:

Here are the pros...

...and steamboat for dinner! Woots! I don't rmb the name of the restaurant, but it's just beside Sunway Pyramid. There are rows of restaurants doing steamboat in buffet style and most of them are pretty famous. This one we went to costs about RM26 per pax. Love the tom yam soup! The drinks they offer are limited though, just orange juice, tea, and mineral water. Lol.

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