Friday, May 6, 2011

mai's 20th


Mai's big TWO ZERO has finally arrived on 24th April 2011. Yay! The few of us celebrated for her a week after the actual date, put the blame on me, because I went to Selangor during the weekdays. My apology. Hope she had a great one that whole day! Since she's the queen of the day, she gets to pick her favorite restaurant to dine...Grandmama's, Pavilion. The food there are good but overpriced. Well, we paid for the pleasant environment, tax, and services, so every dish is doubled the price of the usual ones you get in hawker stalls. Below are some pictures that intend to make you drool...hahah

Char Keuh Tiow. Slurrpps

Curry noodles+meehoon. Just the way I like.

Fish-head noodles. The bowl was gigantic, the dish was so-so.

And lastly, our forgotten dessert...

Banana fritters. Mai recommended this to us, the fried bananas were crunchy and they went well with vanilla ice-creams. I'm so gonna order this again when I return to Grandmama's.


Next round, dinner with KC and YH at Sakae, Taman Billion. It's just next to Kaki Corner.

Escargots, French snails.
Cheese + snails + butter = yummms

Mushroom soup in bread

Fish fillet, why is it fried like that? hmm

Chicken chop with mushroom sauce

Bolognese spaghetti

After dinner, we planned to watch Thor since YH has MBO free ticket vouchers. Plan failed. So we just walked around aimlessly in the new shopping mall,Viva and end up at Mai's to play a few round with Monopoly Deal. :)

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