Saturday, November 15, 2008

Halloween Day Wallpapers

The Halloween is the grand festival celebrated in the month of October on the date of 31st, but is the celebration of death with the scary creatures like vampire, spiders, snakes, bats, cats and scary witches. So save these horrable picture in you PC or set them as a Halloween Day Wallpapers of party and Halloween nightmare.

This is a bat vampire halloween day wallpaper for your desktop.

Halloween Day Wallpapers
Halloween Day Wallpapers
Halloween Day Wallpapers

Thursday Art Crawl...Chelsea, 24th St.


Seems November is the month for art openings...Thursday night art crawl in Chelsea on 24th Street. The block was abuzz with art fans, scenesters and, of course, fashionistas, weaving their way in and out of galleries to see new artist exhibitions. I visited the Bortolami Gallery where an old friend of mine (and now internationally celebrated artist) Aaron Young was having the opening reception for his new show "Punchline". I'm not great at explaining artwork, but according to the gallery, it's "an installation in which he invites the viewer into a participatory space constructed within the gallery." Right...The show runs until Dec. 20.

A Piece of Work: Artist Aaron Young in front of one of his famed pieces

Parisian Chic: The scarf, the jacket, the shoes...très magnifique

Australian import (and newest member to the posse) Matilda Boland with Danielle Saxe

Purple Reign: the colored tights make the outfit

Tokyo in the House

Free Halloween Wallpaper

This is the widest collection of the online Free Halloween Wallpaper of scare and fun for the Halloween holiday season, just adore the look of your computer screen by saving these beautiful wallpapers and give a scary witches and ghostly face to you computer desktop.

Free Halloween Wallpaper
Free Halloween Wallpaper
Free Halloween Wallpaper
Free Halloween Wallpaper
Free Halloween Wallpaper

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Six Scents Launch Party @ the New Museum...Bowery


A serious fashion set turned up Wednesday night to celebrate the launch of Six Scents, a new fragrance initiative that pairs designers and perfumers to help raise money for select charities (smelling good for a great cause...I like it!). Hosted by London-based designer Gareth Pugh, with tunes provided by The MisShapes, the party was held high atop Bowery in an all white, glassed in gallery space at the New Museum.

This year's designers and fragrances: Alexandre Herchovitch - "Urban Tropicalia", Bernard Willhelm - "Wicken 3000", Cosmic Wonder Light Source - "The Spirit of Wood", Gareth Pugh - "Diagonal", Jeremy Scott - "Illicit Sex" (this was my friend Glenn Belverio's appropriate), and Preen by Thornton Bregazzi - "Teen Spirit".

I loved her Kimono-style jacket. It's always nice to see color in a sea of all black. I love how the leather clutch on the left is in the exact same colors, too.

The sophisticate and the school girl...cute.

Sharp shooter: Check out that belt buckle

Anh Tuan Pham and friend (whose name I'm not sure how to spell but I know it's pronounced 'We')

This is Chad. He wears his makeup like this every day (of course I asked). He said it takes him like an hour to put on. How cool does he look against the chartreuse elevator wall?

Speaking of the chartreuse elevator wall, I couldn't resist taking photos in there. A) it was just so big. And B) how often do you see chartreuse elevators? Me with my date Glenn Belverio (and his new pewter Piere Hardy shoes).

No, it's not coc he's doing there on the mirrored surface, he's actually smelling perfume. Guests could smell all 6 designer fragrances from a shiny black plexiglass riser like you see here. See the holes in the corner? That's where the scent came out.

These are some serious spiked boots.

View from the terrace

Sophia LaMar...

...I asked her about her shoes and she said she made them herself. "You have to be creative in times like this--a recession." I agree 100% and will be keeping my out for more recession-inspired fashion.

The hair, the green layers...she reminds me of mother earth.

I'm a big fan of suspenders

Flower girl

Beautiful Sophie Na and Glenn Belverio

For more on the evening, check out Glenn's post on Diane, A Shaded View on Fashion

Sunday, November 9, 2008

José Parlá: Layered Days, Opening Reception…Green St., SoHo


One of my dearest friends and all time favorite artist José Parlá had his opening reception last night for his latest show "Layered Days" at Cristina Grajales in SoHo. I wouldn't have missed this for the world! Not only am I'm a huge fan of José's work (also the very proud owner of a one-of-a-kind jacket he painted for me back in 2001), but I rarely get to see the guy since he's usually out the country tending to his own sold out shows.

Just like his new work, the turnout for the reception was very impressive, full of art fans, fashionistas and, of course, lots and lots of flavor. The show runs until December 20, so if you're in the neighborhood, I highly recommend checking it out!

Man of the Hour: José Parlá
Note: When José signs something (for example here, a copy of his book) it's never just a simple 'autograph'. It's more like a little work of art.

The Pop Off: From the necklaces to the colorful blouse to the printed bag...she's holding down the mix-n-match look.

Last of the mohawkins...

Mari J. Always fly and now officially a regular here on Josie's House of Style.

Love her '80s vibe...

Urban Legends: (clockwise) Crazy Legs, Lee Quiñones, José Parlá and Bobbito Garcia

My best friend and now New York resident (yay!) Danielle Saxe (and one of my favorite paintings in the show)

Always stylin', Robyn Fernandes (and one of my favorite paintings in the show)

Black, White and Red All Over: The very lovely Louisa St. Pierre

Kelly Mills of Black & White PR sporting her company colors

More favorites from the show...

José Parlá and moi

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

West Village...Bedford Street


Having fashionable friends has its perks...In my case, they let me photograph them so I can feature them on my blog.

Lisa Finkelstein. Jewelry designer at J.Crew (and if you've seen the jewelry, you know just how fabulous she is...). Color coordinated from head-to-toe.

Michelle Frantz. Handbag designer at Donna Karan (Handbags? Donna Karan? Need I say more?) So chic in black and white--topped off with her Prada coat.


I know I speak for a lot of people when I say that yesterday was one of the most incredible days I’ve witnessed in my life. I obviously don’t need to get into how historical, exciting and emotional this presidential election has been, but I will say this: The renewed sense of hope here is beyond palpable. Yes we can? Yes we did!

Now to the streets...
Last night I couldn’t resist going to the belly of the city to witness, live, history in the making: Times Square.

Needless to say, the energy there was unbelievable! People everywhere were sporting Obama tees, pins and paraphernalia, and cheering as the electoral results came in live over the ginormous video screens.

(yeah, I wish took this picture...AP/Julie Jacobson)


I left before it was announced that Obama won (was stuck in a train back to the LES...), but as soon as I got back onto the street and heard cars honking and cheers (and tears) coming from inside of all the bars, I knew the wait was over...
change is here. Oh yeah, Obama!

Saturday, November 1, 2008



There's nothing like Halloween in NYC. Although I don't usually dress up for the occasion (I play dress up every day, so...) I love taking pictures of everyone else in costume.

I asked him how long it took him to get ready. He said 2 hours AND he styled the wig himself. Very impressive! Thing had to have weighed a ton.

Talk about a great costume. I took this photo at work. She's dressed as our fabulous first lady Michelle Obama (well, she will be in like 3 days...) who recently wore head-to-toe J.Crew--and even gave it a plug--on the Jay Leno show.

The backward guy and the Brit

Disco fever

A few things here...One, my camera ran out of batteries so I had to use my friend's camera which has this strange burgundy tone. Two, these next ladies were representing fruits. Below, yellow = lemon...

...Red = Cranberry? Apple? Cherry? None of the above folks. She explained to me that she was a coffee fruit (huh???). Something about the bean before it gets roasted is actually a fruit. At the time I didn't quite get it. I'm bigtime coffee drinker, but truth be told, that's about as far as it goes, so, always needing to 'figure it out' I looked it up on Wikipedia. She was a coffee BERRY (look closer at her headpiece)--the small fruit that grows on the coffee plant where the coffee beans come from. Ahhhhh....

There was blue = blueberry girl, too, but by the time coffee berry explained herself to me, blueberry was nowhere to be found. O'well...