Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Santos Party House...100 Lafayette, Tribeca


I'm not a huge fan of clubbing on the weekends but made the exception on Friday to check out Q-Tip and Rich Medina spin at Santos, upstairs at 100 Lafayette. regrets! The place was packed (literally) and the music, as expected, was super funky. If you're looking for a cool place to go Friday nights definitely check it out. 

View from the top: Party people in the house

Q-Tip doing his thang...

Men in back: Q-Tip and Rich holding the house down

Thursday, September 18, 2008

On the street...Broadway & Spring, SoHo


Japan in the house! This girl barely spoke an ounce of English, but that's what's so fabulous about having your own personal style -- its language is universal. How cute is her smile?

Friday, September 12, 2008

On the street...SoHo, NYC

I stopped by La Esquina for a quick taco and look who do I happen to see...

Mari J. Told ya you'd be seeing her here again. Rockin' the metallic accessories...and check out that great poodle earring.

Mari J's friend...Love her look, too.

Pink fedora, pink plaid pants, and burgundy gotta give it to him. Somehow he's pulling it off.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Round 2: Inside the tents...Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, Bryant Park


New York Fashion Week, day three. Nuff said.

Coordinated from gotta love it

Looking cool in short shorts and tall boots

Accessory du jour: The Man Bag...

...I took a picture of stylist David Melton (below) on day one. He was rockin' a fab man bag then, too. (Work it, girl.) And how cute are those top-siders?

A vision in white...with a 1920's vibe. Very pretty.

Rockin' the sunglasses at night. Loving the polka dot bow tie.

This is Mari J. I photographed her in the Lower East Side a while back. She was sporting a funky Pucci-esque ensemble that was hard to pull off, which I can appreciate. Clearly she rocks a lot of hard-to-pull-off outfits, which is why I'm giving her two spots in my house of style. I'm sure you'll be seeing her here again soon...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Inside the tents...Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, NYC

Day one of New York Fashion Week at Bryant Park and the buzz is in full swing (well, the open bar there may have something to do with it too...). As usual, what's going on off the runways is what gets my attention and there were plenty of stylish peeps to keep my camera clicking away. Be sure to stay tuned...there's lots more where this came from.

For once, in front of the camera...the one-and-only Patrick McMullen

Working the stockings...

...and working that bag

Looking lovely in yellow

Harajuku girls

Go gladiators

Rocking the paint splatter look

Looking sexy in black

Took photos of these guys at the RSC Anniversary. Love em...

...this is their queen bee

Photo ops on the F train:

He was on the train as I was heading over to Bryant Park. How cute is he in his tie and metallic silver sneaker boots...

I caught these 'ladies' (and men) on the train after leaving Bryant Park. They said they were headed to Philly for some club. A long ways to travel for a night out in my book, but according to them, the best gay club--period. They were very sweet. I hope they had a good time...